[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Does Commodore really want to sell WB2.0? I Dont Think So.

dean@coplex.UUCP (Dean Brooks) (01/11/91)


   Here we have WorkBench 2.0.  It has been over 1 and 1/2 years past
its original anticipated release date.  Only owners of 3000's, dealers
and Commercial Developers have 2.0, and its on disk rather than in ROM.

   So, what exactly are they doing at Commodore?  Beta-Testing? 
Chi-Testing?  The most heard complaint of Amiga equipment is the old
WorkBench system, yet Commodore seems to want to wait until the
hardware is obsolete.

   As an avid Amiga owner, and a very proud and productive user, what
exactly is the status of WB2.0 for the 2000 series (or 500 for that
matter).  Is it possible to place orders yet?  Is it possible for me to
pay $600.00 and get a copy (of WB2.0) NOW?

   Basically, to rehash an old topic, why is it still buried deep inside
Commodore, away from the most popular Amiga models?  And when will they
actually let someone (besides proud A3000 owners) use it?

dean@coplex.UUCP   Dean A. Brooks
                   Copper Electronics, Inc.
                   Louisville, Ky
UUCP: !uunet!coplex!dean