[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Copperman out, blood on the carpet

manes@vger.nsu.edu (01/09/91)

In article <1991Jan8.214036.14398@usenet.ins.cwru.edu>, pab@po.CWRU.Edu (Pete Babic) writes:
> In a previous article, mjsagar@sandia.gov (9123 SAGARTZ, MATHIAS J.) says:
>>	The Jan. 8 Wall Street Journal reports that Commodore has
>>announced the replacement of Harold Copperman as the president of
>>the U.S. subsidiary by James Dionne, who had been the head
>>of the company's Canadian Unit.  Copperman will remain with Commodore
>>as a vice president and will be responsible for formulating
>>"multimedia strategies."  Also announced was a 10% to 15% reduction in
> Is Copperman's switch a demotion or promotion? I was under the impression
> that Mr. Copperman took a position of Vice President for Commodore 
> International which would give him more influence over the entire Commodore
> operation wouldn't it? It would seem to me that its a nice promotion for
> Mr. Copperman and shouldn't cause the return of gloom and doom some people
> have been saying.

This move seems more like a "contractual obligation" to me.  Just what does
a "VP of multimedia" do?

I have heard from various sources that if Commodore let Copperman go before
May 1st they would have to pay him around $300,000.

> -- 
>                                            ///
> Pete Babic  -  pab@po.cwru.edu    |       ///  /\
> Integrated Library Systems        | \\\  ///  /--\MIGA  
> Case Western Reserve University   |  \\\/// The future is here now!

 +--------+   ==================================================          
 | \/     |   Mark D. Manes                    "Mr. AmigaVision" 
 | /\  \/ |   manes@vger.nsu.edu                                        
 |     /  |   (804) 683-2532    "Make up your own mind! - AMIGA"
 +--------+   ==================================================
              "Make up your mind Commodore - STABILITY!"

jad@dayton.UUCP (J. Deters) (01/11/91)

> Article <447.278ad75a@vger.nsu.edu> From: manes@vger.nsu.edu
>In article <1991Jan8.214036.14398@usenet.ins.cwru.edu>, pab@po.CWRU.Edu (Pete Babic) writes:
>> In a previous article, mjsagar@sandia.gov (9123 SAGARTZ, MATHIAS J.) says:

>>>	The Jan. 8 Wall Street Journal reports that Commodore has
>>>announced the replacement of Harold Copperman as the president of
>>>the U.S. subsidiary by James Dionne, who had been the head
>>>of the company's Canadian Unit.  Copperman will remain with Commodore
>>>as a vice president and will be responsible for formulating
>>>"multimedia strategies."  Also announced was a 10% to 15% reduction in

>This move seems more like a "contractual obligation" to me.  Just what does
>a "VP of multimedia" do?

I met with and discussed an application with Mr. Copperman at the Video
Toaster Show here in Minnapolis last November.  He seemed to be very
excited about the Toaster, and interested in combination packaging Amigas
up with Toasters.  My guess is he will be the liason between Commodore
and other third-party vendors as they develop new Amiga-Video-Audio
products (such as the Video Blender), and will attempt to develop new
markets for Amigas.

I think they see the proliferation of video-studio-in-a-box systems
being sold to larger businesses as training systems.  We're lucky here,
we have Studio Eleven.  They are our own in-house video studio, and our
training department can use them to produce training materials.  However,
most smaller businesses won't be able to afford a full time video staff.
They might be persuaded to spend $25,000 for a video studio rather than
contract out $50,000 for a professional series of tapes.  Also, it's
quite possible that video presentations will replace the "slide show" or
overhead projector presentations that businesses today are so fond of.

Mr. Copperman's new position may make him responsible for developing
such a market where none exists today.  I wish him all the luck!
J. Deters
INTERNET:  jad@dayton.DHDSC.MN.ORG  We've changed our location, and
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