[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Multitasking at home is great!!

eachus@aries.mitre.org (Robert I. Eachus) (01/12/91)

     If I wanted such a silly thing, which I don't, it would take me
most of an afternoon to write an Amiga utility which prevented
starvation of tasks of lower priority (than the utility).  Such a
program on the Amiga is Soooo simple, but on many other systems it is
next to impossible. (I actually spent a few minutes thinking whether I
could hack it together as a script--it is doable, but would probably
have too much overhead when just "sitting there". Ah-hah!!! If I needed
such a thing, I could probably pipe the input to and output from
xoper...just checked the xoper docs--doesn't look too hard.)
Okay so not only is this sort of utility possible on the Amgia, Werner
Gunther has done most of the work for you.


					Robert I. Eachus

     When the dictators are ready to make war upon us, they will not
wait for an act of war on our part." - Franklin D. Roosevelt