[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Where to find JR-Comm 1.01

dave@cs.arizona.edu (Dave P. Schaumann) (01/12/91)

JR-Comm V1.01 can be gotten at hubcap.clemson.edu in

If anyone is looking for a new terminal program, I can highly recommend
this one!  Has built-in phone book which remembers phone #, password,
transfer protocol, terminal set ups for each entry.  That is the main thing
that sets it apart for me.  I no longer have to have my passwords written down
somewhere. :)

BTW, this is shareware, and well worth the registration fee.  (I'm sending
mine in today!)

Hmmm.  I just realized I probably shoulda put this in c.s.a.datacomm (sp?).
Oh, well.

Dave Schaumann		| If all the cars in the world were lined up end to
dave@cs.arizona.edu	| end, someone from Phoenix would pull out to pass.