[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Imagine Mailing List

spworley@athena.mit.edu (Spaceman Spiff) (01/12/91)

I've organized the Imagine mailing list, and its doing well, with about 50
members (so far) including Rick Rodereguez, the author of the manual. 
If you want to join, just send me e-mail and I'll be glad to add you.
The list is an exchange to discuss techniques, problems, bug fixes,
and anything else that relates to Imagine.

The following people gave me bad addresses or something, since mail sent
to you dies. If you send me a new address, I'll try again.

Isn't there supposed to be a comp.sys.amiga.graphics? (or media?) If so, my
site got all the new groups but these.

E-mail me and I'll be glad to add you to the list.


Steve Worley                                           spworley@athena.mit.edu