[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WShell and ARexx

jbickers@templar.actrix.gen.nz (John Bickers) (01/13/91)

    How does one go about sending a command to a WShell outside of the
    WShell itself? In the simplest case, suppose I had a WSH_1 and a
    WSH_2 - what (if anything) would I type in to WShell 2 to get it to
    perform a directory listing into WShell 1?

    The only thing I can think of:

    2> "address 'WSH_1'; 'dir'"

    hangs until I type something like:

    1> "address 'WSH_1'"

    into WShell 1.

    Anyone know?
*** John Bickers, TAP, NZAmigaUG.        jbickers@templar.actrix.gen.nz ***
***     "Snake through the chaos with a smooth noodle map" - Devo       ***