[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Temp affecting my modem/computer?

blf@ai.mit.edu (Bill Frandsen) (01/13/91)

Just recently, whenever the room temperature reaches 76 or so degrees,
the computer starts to miss alot of characters comming from the modem.

It even misses modem responses, such as NO CARRIER, which becomes more
like NCARER displayed on the screen.  It still seems to send out all the
data correctly to the modem however.

I have tried different term programs, and also run the modem self-test,
all to no avail.

My system is an Amiga 2000 with 3 megs, XT BB, 2 3.5" Drives, and a 
WordSync Hard Card with an ST-157N-1 drive on it.  The modem is a Supra
2400 External.

When I open a window to cool off the room, as soon as it drops to 73 or so,
the communications seem to work fine.

Could it be a bad CIA chip?  I had a few go out on the old C-64's, and I
believe the same ones are used in the Amiga? (MOS 6526's)

The fan is still running on the A2000, but apparently doesn't cool it

Any help is appreciated.  Post here if you've also had problems, or E-mail
me at blf@ai.mit.edu
