[comp.sys.amiga.misc] GREP

dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (01/13/91)


Friend of mine is pining for a version of GREP that works under Amigadog.

With the UUCP 1.06D stuff, there was a MAN entry for GREP, but no source or
object for it.

Could some kind hearted soul UUEncode a version (*if it exists, if it's small,
and if its distributable) to some comp.sys.amiga group? comp.binaries.amiga is
DEAD, or has been for ages, so shove it in here, and let the people use their
N key! :-)

Thanks heaps.

(You could try mailing it to me, since Munnari in Melbourne haven't YET closed
their gate, but that's not a long term option).
 _l _  _   // Andrew Clayton. Canberra, Australia.         I Post  .
(_](_l(_ \X/  ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!dac                     . .  I am.                   
-------- I cannot send or receive mail to or from sites outside of Australia.