[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Fred Fish and Tetris ?

n8735053@unicorn.cc.wwu.edu (Iain Davidson) (01/14/91)

I missed reading c.s.a for awhile...

What was the final resolve of the Fred Fish vs. Tetris clones?

(note: this has nothing to do with right or wrong....  just...
    What did Fred finally do ?  Pull some more disks ?

p.s. Speaking of "pulled" disks... which ones are offically "dead"?
     81 87, etc ?

I.Davidson, A)BITS@wwu.edu B)uw-beaver!wwu.edu!IAIN C)n8735053@unicorn.wwu.edu
"Gadzooks," he said lazily as he jumped into his convertible lemon
  and drove off with his egg-shaped wife.  -- Author unknown ???