[comp.sys.amiga.misc] ToolManager 1.2

stefanb@balu.informatik.rwth-aachen.de (Stefan Becker) (01/14/91)

A new version of my program ToolManager is ready. I've uploaded it on ab20.
Here are the new features since 1.1:

   - Status window changed to a no-GZZ & simple refresh type
     (this should save some bytes)
   - Status window remembers its last position
   - New status window gadget "Save Configuration": saves the actual tool
     list in the configuration file
   - Small bugs removed in the ListView gadget handling
   - Name of the icon hard-wired to "ToolManager"


Mail  : Stefan Becker, Holsteinstrasse 9, D-5100 Aachen  ///    Only
Phone : +49-241-505705   FIDO: 2:242/7.6    Germany     ///  Amiga makes
Domain: stefanb@informatik.rwth-aachen.de           \\\///  it possible..
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