[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Emulations

gjc@lsw.UUCP (Greg) (01/14/91)

Could anyone provide me with a complete list of all the emulations which
currently run on the Amiga???  

Gregory Casamento (The Borgster!)

hubey@pilot.njin.net (Hubey) (01/16/91)

I have a more specific question.

What is happening with the Mac ROM shortage-- assuming it still exists
or existed--for AMAX ??

I would like to get an AMAX but the salesman told me that Apple will
not sell ROMS.

On a related note, I remember reading about a Mac clone --from Taiwan.
Will these ROMs work with AMAX ??


hubey@pilot.njin.net | hubey@apollo.montclair.edu | ...!rutgers!pilot!hubey