[comp.sys.amiga.misc] UUCP Summary

dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (01/12/91)

In article <663472197-comp.sys.amiga@chsdip.UUCP>, Bill Squier writes:

> In message <187f5759.ARN09580@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au> dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton), writes:
> >In article <donp.8858@blkhole.UUCP>, Donald Phillips writes:
> >
> >> >In article <1879f14d.ARN09395@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au> dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) writes:
> >> Does anybody have a spec of the "G" protocol that they'd be willing to share?
> >
> >Me too, me too. Post here!
> You just asked the $64,000 question.  At one point last summer I was in
> contact with lesk@bellcore.com, an ex-collegue of the AUTHOR of the G
> protocol, and even he couldn't get me the specs.  


Anyway, I bet my site wouldn't support it even then! 

I'll live with 9600bps. It's still quick, it's just not very reliable IMAO.

> Bill Squier (groo)	Amiga :  uunet!tronsbox!chsdip!groo (best)

 _l _  _   // Andrew Clayton. Canberra, Australia.         I Post  .
(_](_l(_ \X/  ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!dac                     . .  I am.                   
-------- I cannot send or receive mail to or from sites outside of Australia.

ericb@athertn.Atherton.COM (Eric Black) (01/16/91)

I just sent groo@chsdip.UUCP, dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au, and donp@blkhole.UUCP
each a copy of the UUCP G protocol document written by Greg Chesson (the
author of the protocol).  If a sufficient number (i.e. > 10) people ask
me for it, I will post it, else mail it to those who request it.


Eric Black	"Garbage in, Gospel out"
Atherton Technology, 1333 Bordeaux Dr., Sunnyvale, CA, 94089
  Email: ericb@Atherton.COM     Voice: +1 408 734 9822