[comp.sys.amiga.misc] A3000 Prob - Cannot Read Kickstart

jim@syteke.be (Jim Sanchez) (01/16/91)

A guy in my office here has just purchased a new 3000 in the us.
He was unfamiliar with the Amiga and bought it on my reccomendation.
He was going through the manual and trying things out when, after
about 30 minutes, the system locked up with an error message saying
"Kickstart read error".  Subsequent attempts to boot off floppies
have not been successful.  Any ideas out there?  He has V2.0 of the
OS (I think).  I have NOT seen his system yet so cannot confirm the
accuracy of the error message but whatever it says is NOT documented
in the manuals he has with the system.

Thanks all
Jim Sanchez          | jim@syteke.be (PREFERRED)
Hughes LAN Systems   | OR uunet!mcsun!ub4b!syteke!jim 
Brussels Belgium     | OR jim@hls.com