[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Buy now?

bmacinty@mud.uwaterloo.ca (Blair MacIntyre) (01/17/91)

This is something I've wondered about, particularly when 1.3 was due
imminently and now that 2.0 is "due RSN".

If I buy an Amiga right now, and 2.0 and the new Denise come out in a
couple of months,  how much do I have to pay for the upgrade?  Is there
any magic length of time within which the upgrade is free?  If there is
no upgrade policy, does Commodore not suffer from declining sales when
there are rummors of new chips/OS?

Reason:  I want a 500, don't want to wait an indefiniate amount of time
(I'm selling my 1000 peripherals, so would have to live with a 512K 1000
for the interm) but am not desparate.  Nobody knows if it is going to be
a week or a half year until 2.0 is released, but I don't want to have to
cough up >$100 for the ECS Denise and 2.0 when it comes out.  I'd rather
wait and buy a 500 with them installed.  I can't see them raising the
price of the 500's when the new stuff is included.

Any ideas, opinions, etc.?  

Blair, joining the 90's ...
Blair MacIntyre, Computer Graphics Lab
Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L3G1