[comp.sys.amiga.misc] comp.

gjc@lsw.UUCP (Greg) (01/15/91)

How come there's *NEVER* anything in either comp.sources.amiga or           

Gregory Casamento (The Borgster!)

etxtomp@eos.ericsson.se (Tommy Petersson) (01/15/91)

In article <182@lsw.UUCP> gjc@lsw.UUCP (Greg) writes:
>How come there's *NEVER* anything in either comp.sources.amiga or           
>Gregory Casamento (The Borgster!)

I beleive I saw something posted about the moderator had no disk space...

BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz (01/17/91)

In article <1991Jan15.144404.11039@ericsson.se>, etxtomp@eos.ericsson.se (Tommy Petersson) writes:
> In article <182@lsw.UUCP> gjc@lsw.UUCP (Greg) writes:
>>How come there's *NEVER* anything in either comp.sources.amiga or           
>>Gregory Casamento (The Borgster!)
> I beleive I saw something posted about the moderator had no disk space...

Then how about he stops moderating, and let the groups serve some function?

I have just posted the latest beta of Multiplot to c.b.a

Regards Alan