[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Need help with Amiga UUCP

mykes@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) (01/18/91)

I have been hacking on AmigaUUCP+ for about a week and finally have it pretty
much working.  The only real problem that I need some help with is UUCICO.
When I use UUCICO -ssystem, it dials up and then gets hung at some point.
After UUCICO times out and returns back to AmigaDos, I then run a term 
program because the modem remains connected.  And I see that the system I
dialed out to is expecting a password (i.e. password: prompt is there).

Now when I do UUCICO -ssystem -x999, I get lots of debugging messages
printed out and it works.  If I do -x5, it doesn't.  My feed doesn't
want me to use -x999 because it causes his logfile to get filled up
more than necessary.  Anyone else out there have this problem and fix it?
Anyone out there know what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance for the help.


phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (01/19/91)

In article <1991Jan17.222439.6113@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> mykes@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Mike Schwartz) writes:
>When I use UUCICO -ssystem, it dials up and then gets hung at some point.
     You could try adding a delay (\d) after the userID - maybe you're
sending things before the remote system wants it?
     Also, is your "wait for password" entry correct? Remember, upper case
and lower case are _not_ treated as the same under UUCICO.

>My feed doesn't
>want me to use -x999 because it causes his logfile to get filled up
>more than necessary.
     It'll also _really_ slow you down - which indicates that this is
a timing problem.
     However, if you can't fix it any other way, try -X999 - the capital
letter means "don't tell the remote system I'm in debug mode." You'll get
the slowdown :-p without filling up his logfile.

>Anyone out there know what I am doing wrong?
     Getting a good, reliable L.sys entry can be a problem. It was really
problematic under 1.05D (which I'm still running! Can't wait for V1.08 :-) )
if the remote system doesn't send _exactly_ the same thing every time.
Tinker with timing things for a while, trial and error, using -X9 (btw,
level nine should be the same as level 999, shouldn't it?) and watching
what gets sent and when it starts losing track of where it should be.
                                                         - R'ykandar.
          R'ykandar Korra'ti | Editor, LOW ORBIT Science and Fiction
             "I hate you, you timepiece from Hades." - Plucky Duck
         phoenix@ms.uky.edu | editor@lorbit.UUCP | ukma!lorbit!editor