[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga SEEN!!!

sk2x+@andrew.cmu.edu (Sun Kun Kim) (01/19/91)

Ok, there was some talk about Information Society using Amigas for their
MIDI as well as some discussion as to whether or not their new CD
included a portion of A500 on the cover.  Well, there is a disk laying
beside the computer and there were some letters on it.  Being curious, I
busted out my magnifying glass to see what it said and to my surprise,
it read "AMIGA, NEW SHOW".  I am telling you the truth and you can check
it out for yourselves.

Also, I was watching the movie "DISORDERLIES" which has the Fat Boys in
it.  Well, I don't know how many of you saw the movie but there was an
A1000 in that movie.  I watched the credits after the movie and it said
that computers were provided by Commodore Business Machines.

I thought it was pretty interesting.  Another thing to note is Rick
Dee's In To the Night.  They use Amigas for their graphics.  They even
give Commodore-Amiga credit for providing the machines at the end of the
show in the credits.


| Carnegie Mellon University                           Sk2x+@andrew.cmu.edu |
|                                                                           |
| Disclaimer: Anything I say can and will be used against you.   :-)   :-)  |
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