[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Manx BBS - still on autopilot?

swalton@solaria.csun.edu (Stephen Walton) (01/20/91)

In article <692@caslon.cs.arizona.edu>, dave@cs (Dave P. Schaumann) writes:
>Does anyone know if Manx has put a sysop back on their BBS?  (Mike Spille, the
>old sysop disappeared without a word in October, in case you didn't know...)

The new Manx tech support person is named Jeff Davis.  He has been
with Manx for ten years, and so is unlikely to quit suddenly as Mike
Spille apparently did.

So far, Jeff has been mainly listening to users over on BIX about their
needs and wants.  He has the bug reports from BIX and the BBS in hand
and is working on them, but he is new to the Amiga.  His #1 priority
is a new compiler release with the known bugs fixed.
