[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WordPerfect

dlarson@cbmvax.commodore.com (Dale Larson) (01/21/91)

>In article <1991Jan19.233931.10837@cec1.wustl.edu> amc4919@cec2.wustl.edu (Adam M. Costello) writes:
>I have WordPerfect 4.1 for my Amiga 3000 and Star Gemini 10X printer.  WP

>Does anyone have any idea what the problem might be?  Has anyone had better
>success than I?

Look in your manual for the toll-free customer support number and have your
serial number handy.  WP puts a _LOT_ of money into providing excellent
support for answering these sorts of questions.

Dale Larson, Consultant Software Engineer - Networking, Commodore-Amiga Inc.
dlarson@commodore.com              My opinions are not those of my employer.