[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Workbench.library count?

kws1x@krebs.acc.Virginia.EDU (Kenneth W. Smith Jr) (01/19/91)

	Hello, fellow Netters!
	I have yet another interesting problem...(Is this all this
guy posts?  Geez.....:)  For a while, I was able to remove the 
Workbench screen while in 2.0 on my A3000.  Now, with no other processes
or programs running, it gives me the following error when I try to
"quit" from the WB:  "Cannot quit.  workbench.library open count = 2"
	In short, what do I need to do to reset/fix this problem?
There are times when I want to close the WB and use that memory for other
things, but this error stops me.  Oh, please, oh, please help!
	Any help is appreciated.  Thanx in advance.

	K W Smith, Jr.

| "But it's only a toilet lid!"                                    |
| "Oh, no, it is much more.  It is a means to summon us!"          |
|                                                                  |
| -Quotes from Clive Barker's little-known film "Lidraiser"        |

peter@cbmvax.commodore.com (Peter Cherna) (01/22/91)

In article <1991Jan18.211714.6960@murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> kws1x@krebs.acc.Virginia.EDU (Kenneth W. Smith Jr) writes:
>>	I have yet another interesting problem...(Is this all this
>guy posts?  Geez.....:)  For a while, I was able to remove the 
>Workbench screen while in 2.0 on my A3000.  Now, with no other processes
>or programs running, it gives me the following error when I try to
>"quit" from the WB:  "Cannot quit.  workbench.library open count = 2"
>	In short, what do I need to do to reset/fix this problem?

Workbench cannot quit when any programs launched by it are still active.
Workbench needs to wait for those programs to exit.  This includes anything
you start by double-clicking an icon, or anything in the WBStartup
drawer.  Also, anything that adds an AppMenu, AppWindow, or AppIcon is
counting on Workbench staying around.  You have two programs that were
started by Workbench or use App... features.  Quit those before you
can close Workbench down.

>	K W Smith, Jr.

     Peter Cherna, Software Engineer, Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
     {uunet|rutgers}!cbmvax!peter    peter@cbmvax.commodore.com
My opinions do not necessarily represent the opinions of my employer.
"Oh, PIN-compatible!  I thought you wanted me to make it IN-compatible!"