[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Anims

chymes@fribourg.csmil.umich.edu (Charles Hymes) (01/22/91)

The most annoying thing about Movie/Diblm/pilbm is that the files are
not playable in  other amim players. Neither Dpaint nor AmigaVision
or Photon Paint will read Movie 1.0 anims.
Apparently the program we want is MakeAnim, which will deal with most
any ILBM and make nice clean ANIMS. The problem is finding it.
It is supposed to be on BIX Plink and or genie, but I cant use thoese
systems. If you get ahold of this, or know of a free site where it is,
please send me a copy, or let me know of the site.

Also, Animation Bridge does not seem to work. It reads is files, and
writes out files, but the files are unchanged! they have exactly the
same bytes, no matter what output format you select!

Charlweed Hymerfan