[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Problems with Amiga 2000

abs0@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Kelvin Leung) (01/23/91)

Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc

Hi all,

I brought my Amiga 2000 about a year ago.  I have encountered many problems
ever since I got my Amiga.  For instance, I can never get CrossDos and
Messy Dos to run; besides software, I have incompatibility problems with hard-
ware such as Amiga Action Replay II (A2000 ver) also.  I have been told 
that some A2000s have faulty 68000s.  I thought my Amiga was one of those untill
I installed a new 68000 into my computer.  However, my Amiga still refuses to 
run the software/hardware mentioned above.  I wonder if anyone knows what's 
wrong with my computer and willing to show me how to fix it.     

Thanks in advance.  By the way, my Amiga was made in 1988.

Kelvin Leung

Kelvin              / 
   Leung           /   Internet: Kelvin.Leung@mac.dartmouth.edu
                  /              abs0@eleazar.dartmouth.edu

Distribution: world
Subject: Problems with Amiga 2000 (help me please)
Summary: My Amiga 2000 doesn't work!
Keywords: Amiga 2000 help incompatible fix