[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Where to find data files for WorldDataBank?

21329JM@MSU.BITNET (01/15/91)

I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
The authors ( Mike Groshart and Bob Dufford ) reported that WDB.2.all and
WDB.1.all were too big to be included in the original distribution.  Could
someone tell me an ftp site/directory that would have them, or the authors
e-mail address?  Respond by e-mail, unless you feel that there is an overwhel-
ming desire to know this on the net.

Thanks much.


witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu (David Witzany) (01/15/91)

<21329JM@MSU.BITNET> writes:

>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
....stuff deleted...

>e-mail address?  Respond by e-mail, unless you feel that there is an overwhel-
>ming desire to know this on the net.

>Thanks much.


     I'd like to know where the data is, also; since we probably aren't the onlytwo people interested, could you please reply in this notesfile?  


     Dave Witzany (witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu)

leblanc@eecg.toronto.edu (Marcel LeBlanc) (01/16/91)

21329JM@MSU.BITNET writes:

>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
>The authors ( Mike Groshart and Bob Dufford ) reported that WDB.2.all and
>WDB.1.all were too big to be included in the original distribution.  Could
>someone tell me an ftp site/directory that would have them, or the authors
>e-mail address?  Respond by e-mail, unless you feel that there is an overwhel-
>ming desire to know this on the net.

Since there were lots of people interested last time we talked about getting
these files, we should probably just post information.  Somebody recently
uploaded the largest data file "wdb.1.all" to ab20.larc.nasa.gov .  The file
is located at "/amiga/graphics/images/wdb-data.lzh".  It looks like the
person who uploaded it thought he(she) was uploading both files, but only
the first file made it through.  If that person is reading this, could you
upload the second file too?

Thanks muchly,

Marcel A. LeBlanc  --  Electrical Eng. Computer Group, Univ. of Toronto
leblanc@eecg.toronto.edu		else: uunet!utcsri!eecg!leblanc

myb100@csc.anu.edu.au (01/16/91)

[attribution lost - sorry!]

>>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
> ....stuff deleted...
>>Thanks much.

>      I'd like to know where the data is, also; since we probably aren't the 
>  onlytwo people interested, could you please reply in this notesfile?  
>      Dave Witzany (witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu)

Good news and bad news: The files wdb.1 and wdb.2 (I think they're the ones,
they might be .4 and .5) are available for ftp from ab20 (
in amiga/graphics/images (or thereabouts)

Unfortunately, the .lzh file is corrupted.... badly.....I got the file
over here, unlharced it and *bleah*. I then tried 'quote stat' (or is 
it 'xcat') to look at it in situ @ab20 and it gave me identical garbage. 

So a plea: Could the person who put it up there please try again ?

And to Tad Guy @ab20 : I sent a mail message to ftp@ab20 suggesting that you
could delete it - but no response/action. Did you ever get it ? Anyway,
as you're gonna do some mighty cleaning there - this file can be turfed out.


 Markus Buchhorn                                           ///  | This space
 Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Canberra     ///   | 
 PMB Weston Ck. P.O. A.C.T. 2611, Australia           \\\///    | intentionally
 markus@mso.anu.oz.au  -or-  nssdca::psi%mssso::markus \XX/     | left blank

taab5@ccvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) (01/16/91)

In article <1991Jan15.143825.3169@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu (David Witzany) writes:
> <21329JM@MSU.BITNET> writes:
>>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
> ....stuff deleted...
>>e-mail address?  Respond by e-mail, unless you feel that there is an overwhel-
>>ming desire to know this on the net.
>>Thanks much.
>      I'd like to know where the data is, also; since we probably aren't the onlytwo people interested, could you please reply in this notesfile?  
>      Thanks!

   The files are on the FTP site AB20.LARC.NASA.GOV, in the directory
/incoming/amiga.  The file is 'wdb.arc'.


> --
>      Dave Witzany (witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu)

jim@syteke.be (Jim Sanchez) (01/16/91)

I have seen this question asked SEVERAL times before.  If anyone 
has an answer PLEASE POST IT!
Jim Sanchez          | jim@syteke.be (PREFERRED)
Hughes LAN Systems   | OR uunet!mcsun!ub4b!syteke!jim 
Brussels Belgium     | OR jim@hls.com
Jim Sanchez          | jim@syteke.be (PREFERRED)
Hughes LAN Systems   | OR uunet!mcsun!ub4b!syteke!jim 
Brussels Belgium     | OR jim@hls.com

hamish@waikato.ac.nz (01/18/91)

In article <1991Jan16.012531.1@ccvax.iastate.edu>, taab5@ccvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) writes:
> In article <1991Jan15.143825.3169@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu (David Witzany) writes:
>> <21329JM@MSU.BITNET> writes:
>>>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
>> ....stuff deleted...
>    The files are on the FTP site AB20.LARC.NASA.GOV, in the directory
> /incoming/amiga.  The file is 'wdb.arc'.

 They've been moved. I downloaded them from ab20.larc.nasa.gov (
and they were in /amigs/graphics/utilities/wdb-data.lzh The file seems to be
OK, I only unpacked the first one, and it was OK, so go for it...

|  Hamish Marson   <hamish@waikato.ac.nz>                                    |
|  Computer Support Person,  Computer Science Department                     | 
|  University of Waikato                                                     |
|Disclaimer:  Anything said in this message is the personal opinion of the   |
|             finger hitting the keyboard & doesn't represent my employers   |
|             opinion in any way. (ie we probably don't agree)               |

nfs1675@dsacg3.dsac.dla.mil ( Michael S Figg) (01/24/91)

In article <1991Jan18.112836.2726@waikato.ac.nz>, hamish@waikato.ac.nz writes:
> In article <1991Jan16.012531.1@ccvax.iastate.edu>, taab5@ccvax.iastate.edu (Marc Barrett) writes:
> > In article <1991Jan15.143825.3169@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>, witzany@sparc1.isgs.uiuc.edu (David Witzany) writes:
> >> <21329JM@MSU.BITNET> writes:
> >> 
> >>>I'm looking for the *large* data files for WorldDataBank, from Fred Fish #262.
> >> ....stuff deleted...
> >    The files are on the FTP site AB20.LARC.NASA.GOV, in the directory
> > /incoming/amiga.  The file is 'wdb.arc'.
> >
>  They've been moved. I downloaded them from ab20.larc.nasa.gov (
> and they were in /amigs/graphics/utilities/wdb-data.lzh The file seems to be
> OK, I only unpacked the first one, and it was OK, so go for it...

There is no "/amiga/graphics/utilities" directory. I found the file in 
"/amiga/graphics/images" but as was reported earlier (I think), the second
file 'wdb.2.all' is corrupt. Anyone know where this can be found?


Why does Vanilla Ice come across looking like Pat Boone doing rap?

 --------       o       A herd of bagels      | Michael Figg  DSAC-FSD
 |      |  --  oo o o   escaping from a deli. | DLA Systems Automation Center
 |      |  -- ooo oo    Looking for Lox in    | Cols, Ohio mfigg@dsac.dla.mil
 --------      o o      all the wrong places  | CIS: 73777,360