[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Monitor "pop" killing computer...what to do?

stu00@ux.acs.umn.edu (Stuart Stanley) (01/24/91)

   Yesterday I posted an article outlining an intermittant machine
crash for onknown reasons.  While I was typing the article, I had an
idea.. Maybe the 1084 monitor, which has "popped" in the past, was somehow
back blasting the computer.  Turned out to be true.

   It is either going back though the main video, or back though the sound
port.  (My friend was going to run one last test last night to find out
which one of the two it is).  So here is the questions:  How can we
either a) isolate the monitor from the computer so that the "pop" doesn't
effect it, or b) fix the monitor.  We do know that if the monitor is hooked
up via the RCA (black and white) port, the monitor can pop to its hart's
content and not effect the machine, but black and white is just plain

					Thank ya,