css1rs@ee.surrey.ac.uk (Russell Smithers) (01/25/91)
Ok then guys I have had my amiga for 5 years and now want to upgrade however Ive been bussy recently so havent kept up with the amiga scene to much I would be gratefull if people could give me solutions to my criteria and there views on this subject, well heres my criteria! 1 : I have a A590 harddisk wich I like because it is a good interface, while the 20 meg hard disk was good enough it is now not any more I would like to either sell the internal drive and buy a faster scussi drive of about 50 megs or have such a drive external ie as well as the 20 meg internal drive. 2 : Speed I use my Amiga for programing but also use programs that would benefit from a) maths calc speed up b) general speed up , this speed up has to be significant enough in normal use to warrant using(obviously). One last point this hardware would have to be very compatable(not necessaraly 100%). 3 : Memory I have at the moment 1.5 megs of ram and would like to expand to more, I have it configured like this : 1st 512k internal base mem(slow mem) 2nd 512k trapdoor expansion(datel) 3rd 512k A590 This leaves me avail space in the hard disk to expand to 3 megs total, I dont wish to change my trapdoor exspansion as its not worth it! I do happend to know of variouse recent hardware releases but would like an outsiders view and help on this I have about a grand to spend but could go up to 1.5 grand and save up the rest?? Thanks for your help(when it comes). Russell Smithers, Computing Assistant, Dept. of Mathematical and Computing Sciences University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 5XH, England R.Smithers@cs.surrey.ac.uk +483 571281 x2659