[comp.sys.amiga.misc] AREXX & Wshell questions

djb1@ukc.ac.uk (D.J.Beckett) (01/23/91)

I have had several replies to my questions (thanks!) stating that Wshell
is excellent and is a must for a user of Arexx and now want to know
what the estimated total cost is for the following:

	AREXX 1.15 update	$10
	Any *new* manual	$15?
	Wshell+manual		$50

	+Any discount for purchasing both?

	+Shipping to Britain    $???

It would be nice to email Bill Hawes and ask since otherwise I have to send
at least two letters to him to ask the above and then to order it with the
correct amount of foreign currency.

Can anyone help with the missing numbers or his email address?

Dave Beckett
David Beckett                                           | djb1@ukc.ac.uk
Computing Lab., University of Kent, Canterbury,Kent,UK  | ..!mcsun!ukc!djb1

blgardne@javelin.es.com (Blaine Gardner) (01/24/91)

djb1@ukc.ac.uk (D.J.Beckett) writes:

>	AREXX 1.15 update	$10
>	Any *new* manual	$15?

Note that this is NOT a new 1.15 Arexx manual, it is the 1.10 manual.
There is not 1.15 a manual. Bill says he's sorry for any confusion on
that point. I don't have any address handy, but they are at home, I can
check on them there.
Blaine Gardner @ Evans & Sutherland  580 Arapeen Drive, SLC, Utah 84108
blgardne@javelin.sim.es.com     or   blgardne%javelin@dsd.es.com
...dsd.es.com!javelin!blgardne  or   {decwrl, utah-cs}!esunix!blgardne
DoD #0046   My other motorcycle is a Quadracer.         BIX: blaine_g

davidm@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Masterson) (01/25/91)

>>>>> On 23 Jan 91 20:31:32 GMT, blgardne@javelin.es.com (Blaine Gardner) said:

Blaine> Note that this is NOT a new 1.15 Arexx manual, it is the 1.10 manual.
Blaine> There is not 1.15 a manual. Bill says he's sorry for any confusion on
Blaine> that point. I don't have any address handy, but they are at home, I can
Blaine> check on them there.

An address to reach Bill Hawes at is his Compuserve address:


David Masterson					Consilium, Inc.
(415) 691-6311					640 Clyde Ct.
uunet!cimshop!davidm				Mtn. View, CA  94043
"If someone thinks they know what I said, then I didn't say it!"