[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Problem with Aquarium Update Files ?

ianr@mullian.ee.mu.oz.au (Ian ROWLANDS) (01/20/91)

In article <1991Jan20.133404.3966@csc.anu.edu.au> myb100@csc.anu.edu.au writes:
>Has anyone tried the new additions to the Aquarium data-base ? They've
>just appeared on ab20, (411-420 and 421-430). I just tried them, and they
>appear to have some problems - the data file looks kinda weird....It knows
>the names of the programmes on the discs, but gets the .readme's and the
>author fields in a right tangle.
>Could someone else check them out please ?
>I had no problems with merging in the last update. Yes, everything was
>in binary mode.

	If it helps, I've had the same problems as Markus. Same symptoms,
same background, same results. I can't vouch for 421-430, but the 411-420
is definitely screwed up somewhere. If Udo is reading this, could he please
recheck what he sent out? 

>Thanks to Udo for keeping us up todate with Fred! It's appreciated!

	Same here. He does a great service, not only by keeping up to date, but
in responding quickly to problems (a previous version was corrupt - and was
fixed within 3 days). This is appreciated by all.


Ian Rowlands                     | Uni : ianr@ee.mu.oz.au 
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, |   OR ..!uunet!mullian.ee.mu.oz.au!ianr
 (including Computer Science)    | Home : ianr@gpark.pub.uu.oz.au 
University of Melbourne          |   OR ..!uunet!gpark.pub.uu.oz.au!ianr

walrus@wam.umd.edu (Udo K Schuermann) (01/23/91)

In article <1991Jan20.133404.3966@csc.anu.edu.au> myb100@csc.anu.edu.au writes:
>Has anyone tried the new additions to the Aquarium data-base ? They've
>just appeared on ab20, (411-420 and 421-430). I just tried them, and they
>appear to have some problems - the data file looks kinda weird....It knows
>the names of the programmes on the discs, but gets the .readme's and the
>author fields in a right tangle.

I got the unfortunate news already.  I've been trying to save myself
some work in the future and automated the process.  It seems that
something went wrong that wasn't easily apparent from what my script
generated.  I apologize for the problems this has caused and promise
to swat very hard at the bug that caused this.

>Thanks to Udo for keeping us up todate with Fred! It's appreciated!

Thanks!  I try, you know.  Maybe I should try to get more sleep.
Tonight, I'll slink home and do some bug hunting.

> Markus Buchhorn                                           ///  | This space

 ._.  Udo Schuermann                   "May you live in interesting times."
 ( )  walrus@wam.umd.edu                          -- Ancient Chinese Curse.

umbirch2@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Robert Birch) (01/25/91)

In article <1991Jan20.133404.3966@csc.anu.edu.au> myb100@csc.anu.edu.au writes:
>[I tried to find an appropriate newsgroup - I really did!! Put the knife
>down, Kent !! :-) ]
>Hi !
>Has anyone tried the new additions to the Aquarium data-base ? They've
>just appeared on ab20, (411-420 and 421-430). I just tried them, and they
>appear to have some problems - the data file looks kinda weird....It knows
>the names of the programmes on the discs, but gets the .readme's and the
>author fields in a right tangle.
>Could someone else check them out please ?
>I had no problems with merging in the last update. Yes, everything was
>in binary mode.
>Thanks to Udo for keeping us up todate with Fred! It's appreciated!
> Markus Buchhorn                                           ///  | This space
> Mt Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, Canberra     ///   | 
> PMB Weston Ck. P.O. A.C.T. 2611, Australia           \\\///    | intentionally
> markus@mso.anu.edu.au  -or-  markus@merlin.anu.edu.au \XX/     | left blank

   I have this same problem. I downloaded them, and they don't go together 
right. I f the person who uploads them could fix them, please do.

                                            Robert Birch