[comp.sys.amiga.misc] SID - How to register ??

nick@uni-paderborn.de (Martin Koch) (01/25/91)

Hi Amigos,

i want to register for the Programm SID (DirUtil). Could anyone
send me the email address of Timm Martin? Maybe if You read this
Timm, please send me an email with some Infos. How you like to get
the money (cheque, cash, usfunds). Where to send it. Newest Versionnumber etc.


Bye ;-)
       //\      Martin Koch ---  email to: nick@uni-paderborn.de
     //----\UGUP  --- Amiga User Group Uni Paderborn
  \\//      \miga --- You can't beat the feeling!
   Earth; planet 
          "Mostly Harmless!"   The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy         

Bye ;-)
       //\      Martin Koch ---  email to: nick@uni-paderborn.de
     //----\UGUP  --- Amiga User Group Uni Paderborn