[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Another OS???

specter@disk.UUCP (Byron Max Guernsey) (01/25/91)

Is there currently any other OS besides UNIX for amiga? I am a bit surprised
that some of the hackers haven't made their own kickstarts for the 1000's.
Couldn't you get rid of some of the things in the AOS and speed it up
considerably??!? I always wanted (when i had 1 drive) my amiga to address
disks by their drives only, like msdos does. (IE it doesn't ask you to
replace a volume in a drive or it doesnt ask you to put any disk in any
drive) But once I got the hard drive and extra floppy it became kind of
trivial and when i got into programming the amiga it because kind of nice.

Byron Guernsey

dvljhg@cs.umu.se (J|rgen Holmberg) (01/25/91)

In article <5137@disk.UUCP> specter@disk.UUCP (Byron Max Guernsey) writes:
>Is there currently any other OS besides UNIX for amiga? I am a bit surprised
>that some of the hackers haven't made their own kickstarts for the 1000's.
>Couldn't you get rid of some of the things in the AOS and speed it up
>considerably??!? I always wanted (when i had 1 drive) my amiga to address
>disks by their drives only, like msdos does. (IE it doesn't ask you to
>replace a volume in a drive or it doesnt ask you to put any disk in any
>drive) But once I got the hard drive and extra floppy it became kind of
>trivial and when i got into programming the amiga it because kind of nice.
>Byron Guernsey

There are plenty of hacked versions of the OS around. They usually include
extras like rippers, monitors, editors etc. in "ROM". I also know of people
that has written new OS's for the amy but hasn't released them. From a 4k
non-multitasking version to versions with hacked up diskspeed, lots of
built-in features like a good shell and general improvements on speed and
memory usage. Is there really an interest for this except as curiosum?
Aren't we all better served by waiting for 2.0 than to start using new OS's?

email dvljhg@cs.umu.se - other ways to communicate are a waste of time.
Everything I say is always true, just apply it to the right reality.
"Credo, quia absurdum est."    Credo in absurdum est?

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (01/26/91)

I have heard that there is a MINIX (which is not really unix) for the
Amiga.  The nice thing about MINIX is that it comes with complete
source code, so you can always add or fix something that you don't
