[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Kickstart??

m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) (01/24/91)

In article <42035@nigel.ee.udel.edu> fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>So far as I know, the only way to put Kickstart in RAM is to have a
>68020/30 and to use Dave Haynie's SetCPU program, which, when used with
>the FASTROM flag, copies the Kickstart ROM to 32-bit RAM, which makes a
>lot of things go a lot faster. Of course, with a 68000 A500, the matter
>is moot--get the 1.3 ROM!
>                                                --Rick Wrigley
>                                                fhwri@conncoll.bitnet

Not True!  The LUCAS/FRANCES pd accellerator for the Amiga 1000 will
also remap the ROM image into fast ram.  It does so by providing an
program to move the ROM data, set a flip-flip to translate the
addresses in the memory addressing hardware, and off you go!  As far
as I know, Dave's SetCPU program only works on systems with a MMU.


rick@tmiuv0.uucp (01/25/91)

In article <674@tnc.UUCP>, m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) writes:
> In article <42035@nigel.ee.udel.edu> fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>>So far as I know, the only way to put Kickstart in RAM is to have a
>>68020/30 and to use Dave Haynie's SetCPU program,
[some stuff deleted]
>>                                                --Rick Wrigley
>>                                                fhwri@conncoll.bitnet
> Not True!  The LUCAS/FRANCES pd accellerator for the Amiga 1000 will
> also remap the ROM image into fast ram.
[still more stuff deleted]
> Wildstar

In fact, we developers (I'm one of the certified variety) got KS/WB 2.0x
with a couple of programs which work on any Amiga that has a memory board
"autoconfig"ged at location $2000000 (i.e. the first board to be configured).
The programs are called "KickIt" and "ZKick".  They use a special "KickFile"
which is slightly modified version of the ROMs in a disk file.  The
programs load the KickStart into RAM and reboot your system.  They both work
niftily.  The main difference between them is that ZKick can survive a warm
boot, while KickIt can't.

The last pre-release version of 2.0x I got is 2.04, and the disk says:
"KickFile for A500/A1000/A2000".  In fact, I'm using 2.04 on my 2500/30
right now in 68030 mode, but it works in 68000 mode, too.  In 030 mode,
the A2630 board's memory (2MB of 32 bit) gets configged first, so the
programs load KS in there.  In 68000 mode, the 8-Up! gets configged first
and KS gets loaded in there.  'Nuff said.

|[- O] Rick Stevens                                                        |
|  ?   EMail: uunet!zardoz!tmiuv0!rick -or- uunet!zardoz!xyclone!sysop     |
|  V   CIS: 75006,1355 (75006.1355@compuserve.com from Internet)           |
|                                                                          |
|          "Software Feature":  A bug that Marketing knows about.          |
|---------> All opinions are mine.  No one listens to me, anyway. <--------|

4225_5105@uwovax.uwo.ca (01/26/91)

In article <674@tnc.UUCP>, m0154@tnc.UUCP (GUY GARNETT) writes:
> In article <42035@nigel.ee.udel.edu> fhwri%CONNCOLL.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>>So far as I know, the only way to put Kickstart in RAM is to have a
>>68020/30 and to use Dave Haynie's SetCPU program, which, when used with
>>the FASTROM flag, copies the Kickstart ROM to 32-bit RAM, which makes a
>>lot of things go a lot faster. Of course, with a 68000 A500, the matter
>>is moot--get the 1.3 ROM!
>>                                                --Rick Wrigley
>>                                                fhwri@conncoll.bitnet
> Not True!  The LUCAS/FRANCES pd accellerator for the Amiga 1000 will
> also remap the ROM image into fast ram.  It does so by providing an
> program to move the ROM data, set a flip-flip to translate the
> addresses in the memory addressing hardware, and off you go!  As far
> as I know, Dave's SetCPU program only works on systems with a MMU.
> Wildstar

There are two other programs that load kickstart into memory.
kickit by Bryce Nesbitt and
zkick by developer Dan Zenchelsky.
both of these programs are on the developer's release of 2.0 for
developers.  They are both for putting kickstart 2.0 in ram so I 
have no idea if they would work on any other kickstart.

The basic requirement is that you have a autoconfiguring RAM board at

john macdonald