[comp.sys.amiga.misc] WANTED:ftp, ff, & x-win info

gt2656b@prism.gatech.EDU (gt2656b gt2656b gt2656b ARROWOOD,ADAM BRETT) (01/26/91)

     I am relatively new to the net, and was wondering if some kind soul or
souls could provide me with info on where to find:

-    A small, simple term/x-windows package for a 500 (i.e. something that
would allow me to connect to a remote system using xterm protocol (?)).
Actually, any term that would allow me to run under x-windows and open
multiple windows for different processes will be great. I don't care about
graphics capabilities (I'm doing VAX assembly and having only one cli
while remotely accessing the lab after hours makes me (and the prof. ) just
a little bit (<--bad pun) nervous).

-    Anonymous ftp sites with Fred Fish > 360 in the States. I've been
searching around and the only ftp site that I've found with these
(newest???) disks is funic.funet.fi (~95% of 1-410). I'd like to find sites
in the U.S. with/expecting the newer disks in order to cut down on ftp time
and costs to my host.

-    (ff) Aquarium update files on anonymous ftp sites or on bbs's in the
Atlanta, Ga area. Are they available on the net?

-    Pascal. Nobody (softw. companies) seems to make it. The pd compilers
I've heard about aren't fully implemented. The best I've come across seems
to be PCQ on ff#339 (I don't even know if that's the lastest version). If
anyone knows about a better one, please let me know. I'm not looking for
graphics/numerous libraries, just Standard Pascal.

     I've been searching for these items for many months and have had no
luck. Any help (even a kind e-mail word) will be greatly appreciated.

adam a

Adam Brett Arrowood             |     {\_{\,     "Really, Ted. You don't
ICS                             |      { o o__   / expect me to belive that
Georgia Institute of Technology |  |___|     %  /   you actually understand
gt2656b@prism.gatech.edu        |  /\ /\\__===       the Big O notation..."