[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Wanted: System for manipulating & presenting digital images

bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce D. Becker) (01/27/91)

In article <1990Dec28.180111.27115@pegasus.com>, johnw@pegasus.com (John Williams) writes:
| Seafloor Surveys International, Inc. is looking for a computer system
| which will allow us to interactively manipulate our sonar imagery.
| Our final images of the ocean floor are of the order of
| 16K by 16K pixels.  These images are constructed by
| interactively placing a dozen or more "sub-images"
| into the final image grid.  The sub-images are about 1M
| pixels each.  The sub-images have irregular shapes.
| In some places, there are gaps between the sub-images.
| In some places, the sub-images overlap.  In these overlap areas, both
| sub-images must be preserved so that the operator can alternately
| view each (as with overlapped windows).
| The operator will use one or more high resolution color monitors
| as windows into the final grid.  The operator should be able to
| roam around the image and zoom in and out at will.
| Within the final grid, sub-images are coarsely positioned using
| available navigation data.  The fine positioning is performed by
| a human operator identifying "control points" which must be aligned
| in two overlapping sub-images.  One sub-image is "warped" to align
| its control points with the other.  The warping process must also
| calculate corrections to the original navigation so that the
| sub-image may be correctly positioned in the future.
| The complete processing of a final grid must proceed quickly enough
| that the operator can complete several in a single working day.
| As part of the evaluation of proposed systems, I will want to run
| a benchmark test similar to the processing described above.
| For the sake of brevity, only small part of a larger processing
| scheme has been described.  I have described those functions I feel
| will be the most difficult to implememt in a cost-effective way.
| A high resolution output device is required which can be
| used to make copies of the final image.  The copies must
| have at least 8 dots per millimeter (200 dots per inch),
| where each dot may be one of at least 16 shades of grey.
| We may have a requirement for a similar color device in the future.
| Both paper and transparent media are required, and all media must meet
| stability criteria.  The output device must employ a technology
| which avoids reproducibility problems when different types of media
| are used and as the output device ages.
| The output device must be able to produce copies which are any of
| ISO sizes A0 through A4 or ANSI sizes A through E.
| Note: large format photographic film recorders will be considered
| if the final copies conform to our output specifications.
| If you are interested, please contact John Williams, address below.
| johnw@ssi-h.pegasus.com         John Williams
|                                 Seafloor Surveys International, Inc.
| Phone:  (808) 537-9561          1221 Kapiolani Blvd., Ph-40
| Fax:    (808) 523-5958          Honolulu, Hi.   96814

  ,u,	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
a /i/	 Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `\o\-e	 UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
 _< /_	 "Que es mas macho: moral fiber, o oat bran?" - lala