[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New Newsgroups

zerkle@iris.ucdavis.edu (Dan Zerkle) (01/11/91)

In article <37865@cup.portal.com> amigan@cup.portal.com (R Michael Medwid) writes:
>So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
>traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
>comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.  
>How do others feel?

I feel like comp.sys.amiga.general is pretty silly when we have
comp.sys.amiga.misc.  I also feel that we should give the current
setup about a year before considering any major changes.

Aside from that, I LIKE this system.  I particularly like how (at last
count), there were about 30 messages in .advocacy that I DON'T HAVE
TO READ!!!  I don't even have to sic the kill file on them.

If you are not getting any messages in any of the new groups, there is
something wrong with your system.  Talk to your administrator.  There
is a fairly substantial amount of traffic on several groups, while
some seem slow.

Now, if only I could get some people to make announcements....  I'll
have to find a few companies and shake their chains....  Is there
anybody you folks would particularly like to hear from?  I was
thinking of Electronic Arts, GVP, CBM, Supra, and maybe even Epyx
(yes, really).

           Dan Zerkle  zerkle@iris.eecs.ucdavis.edu  (916) 754-0240
           Amiga...  Because life is too short for boring computers.

harris@hobbes.ncsu.edu (Michael Harris) (01/12/91)

dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) writes:

>In article <37865@cup.portal.com>, R Michael Medwid writes:

>> So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
>> traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
>> comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.  
>> How do others feel?

>I get all the new Amiga newgroups, here in Oz, so any problem you
>have is at your site.

I am very happy with the new newsgroups... especially now that I have figured
out how to customise nn so I only read the newsgroups I want to read.
 __   _ ___ ___   Michael Harris - harris@catt.ncsu.edu      //        _    
|    / \  | |    Computer and Technologies Theme Program    // /||\/||/ _ /|
|__ / /_\ | |        North Carolina State University      \X/ /-||  ||\_|/-|

dave@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us (David R. Tyler) (01/13/91)

In article <37865@cup.portal.com>, R Michael Medwid writes:
> So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
> traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
> comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.
> How do others feel?

 hehe.. Give it some time, the major portion of the net traffic is
 students at our nations universities... and we are still in the midst
 of xmas break...

 i think its Great, i can actually follow things now, instead of being

 C=  //_\        Only      | The Amiga Aquarium        300/1200/2400  ->|b|
__  ///_\\  _  _    _   _  |USA:   (716) 837-1699                       |a|
\\\///---\\ |\/| | |_| |_\ |School: Tyler33@Snybufva.Bitnet             |u|
 \\//     \\_________|     |UseNet: dave@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us (Home)  |d|

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (01/13/91)

In article <37865@cup.portal.com> amigan@cup.portal.com (R Michael Medwid) writes:
> So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
> traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
> comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.  

> How do others feel?

I feel that the new groups, while a mite weird, should be given a chance to
work. There is *plenty* of traffic here, if you're not getting it complain
to Portal management.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

jms@vanth.UUCP (Jim Shaffer) (01/13/91)

In article <37865@cup.portal.com> amigan@cup.portal.com (R Michael Medwid) writes:
>So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
>traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
>comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.
>How do others feel?

I *like* the new setup for exactly this reason.  I don't have much
bandwidth from this node, so it's nice to be able to be so selective (via
choosing from 14 groups instead of 3!) about what I get.  I don't mean what
I *read*, I mean what *this node gets*.

  From the disk of:   | jms@vanth.uucp		     | "Glittering prizes and
Jim Shaffer, Jr.      | amix.commodore.com!vanth!jms | endless compromises
37 Brook Street       | 72750.2335@compuserve.com    | shatter the illusion of
Montgomery, PA 17752  | (CompuServe as a last resort)| integrity!"  (Rush)

ben@servalan.uucp (Ben Mesander) (01/15/91)

In article <7505@sugar.hackercorp.com> peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:
>In article <37865@cup.portal.com> amigan@cup.portal.com (R Michael Medwid) writes:
>> So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
>> traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
>> comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.  
>> How do others feel?
>I feel that the new groups, while a mite weird, should be given a chance to
>work. There is *plenty* of traffic here, if you're not getting it complain
>to Portal management.

I'm rather disappointed that there are several silly threads about that
should be in comp.sys.amiga.advocacy, including one in here that has an
interesting title: "How to replace exec's scheduler" or some such, but which
really is a long and pointless rant about what "real" multitasking is and 
isn't. Peter, you've been on the net a long time, and know better. When you
tend to get involved in one of these sessions (and you do - you have very
strong opinions on things), could you please start to edit out newsgroups
other than .advocacy? So the rest of us who have *no* interest in this
sort of thing don't have to see it any more? Please? Let's make sure we
use the new newsgroups to the fullest extent.

>Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

xanthian@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG (Kent Paul Dolan) (01/16/91)

R Michael Medwid writes:

> So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
> traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
> comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.

> How do others feel?

dave@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us writes:

> hehe.. Give it some time, the major portion of the net traffic is
> students at our nations universities... and we are still in the midst
> of xmas break...

> i think its Great, i can actually follow things now, instead of being
> deluged!!

As long as you don't try to follow _all_ of it; but the deluge has indeed
struck; 155 articles already just in .advocacy, for example; even the two
moderated groups are starting to cook.


                                                           /// It's Amiga
                                                          /// for me:  why
Kent, the man from xanth.                             \\\///   settle for
<xanthian@Zorch.SF-Bay.ORG> <xanthian@well.sf.ca.us>   \XX/  anything less?
Convener, COMPLETED comp.sys.amiga grand reorganization.

ernie@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us (Ernest J. Gainey III) (01/18/91)

> R Michael Medwid writes:
> > So far it look like the new news groups set up has not just *slowed*
> > traffic..it appears to have almost killed it entirely.  Bring back
> > comp.sys.amiga.general  and leave it at that.
> > How do others feel?
> dave@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us writes:
> > hehe.. Give it some time, the major portion of the net traffic is
> > students at our nations universities... and we are still in the midst
> > of xmas break...
> > i think its Great, i can actually follow things now, instead of being
> > deluged!!

In article <1991Jan16.062446.15774@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG>, Kent Paul Dolan writes:

> As long as you don't try to follow _all_ of it; but the deluge has indeed
> struck; 155 articles already just in .advocacy, for example; even the two
> moderated groups are starting to cook.
> Whee!

Its a lot easier to follow now.. but.. one problem, people seem to be
cross posting like mad now.. trying to make sure everyone sees it..
(Hope that cuts down as the transition continues..) oh well, can't
complain.. things are ALOT better now.. :)

I got it.. someday we all should throw a party for Kent.. hehehe..

Later all, I'm just wasting space and bandwidth! :(

Ernest J. Gainey III   Home: ernie@aquarium.buffalo.ny.us        //\\
 The Amiga Aquarium  School:  gainey03@snybufva.bitnet          //==\\
  +1 716 999-9999    Snail :61 Tarkington,Tonawanda,NY 14150 \\//    \\miga!

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (01/28/91)

So far it looks like not enough people are "taking it to .advocacy". In fact
some folks insist on following-up threads in .advocacy back to places like

Please... you know who you are... please cut it out.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'