[comp.sys.amiga.misc] EMAIL

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) (01/28/91)

In article <1889eb6d.ARN09885@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au> ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!Dac writes:
> [I have to pay $A1000 if I want EMAIL access to the net, and I cannot afford
> that, since I'm just an individual, not a corporation!]

To Dac, and other users with no Email access:

If you don't have Email access, please include another way to get hold of you
in your .signature. A telephone number, postal address, etcetera would be
useful. Also, there are commercial Email services with lower up-front fees:
I believe MCI Mail was planning some sort of service in Australia last time
I had anything to do with them.
Peter da Silva.   `-_-'

dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (01/28/91)

In article <7627@sugar.hackercorp.com>, Peter da Silva writes:

> In article <1889eb6d.ARN09885@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au> ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!Dac writes:
> > [I have to pay $A1000 if I want EMAIL access to the net, and I cannot afford
> > that, since I'm just an individual, not a corporation!]
> To Dac, and other users with no Email access:
> If you don't have Email access, please include another way to get hold of you
> in your .signature. A telephone number, postal address, etcetera would be

Thanks for your concern, Peter.

I'm in the process of fixing that oversight, and getting a mail account via
somewhere in Sydney (for a much reduced cost).

I once said that mail was unimportant.  I didn't know enough about the net to
realise the depth of my innaccuracy.  :-/

Until then, my return address (as above) IS a valid mail address.  I'd rather
not get mail though, because I CANNOT reply.  Yet.  When this changes, my
siggie will inform the world!  :^)

 _l _  _   // Andrew Clayton. Canberra, Australia.         I Post  .
(_](_l(_ \X/  ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!dac                     . .  I am.                   
-------- I cannot send or receive email. Not to anyone at all. Not even you.