[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Old Fish Disks

aliu@aludra.usc.edu (Alex C. Liu) (01/26/91)

Hi, does anybody know of a FTP site that carries accient fish disks?
(Like earlier than FF060)  I tried ux1.cso.uiuc.edu, but they dont
have the older ones.  I used to use trantor.umd.edu, but apparently
they dropped their amiga archives.  Can somebody help me?

GELSON%SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR@uicvm.uic.edu (Gelson Dias Santos) (01/28/91)

    For you who want old fish disks, try gatekeeper.dec.com on directory
/pub/micro/amiga/fish . Last week, I was searching for ftp sites with fish
disks (because the problems on ux1 dir command) and surprise! That server has
fish 001-370.

         *****    # Gelson Dias Santos                #
   /\/\       **  # BITNET: GELSON@SBU.UFRGS.ANRS.BR  #  Please, don't look my
  /    \-------\* # HOME: Av. Bento Goncalves 948/12  # grammar/spelling errors.
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 (__(____(_____)  #     Alguem ai fala portugues?     #