[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Zkick on GVP 68030 boards

dac@prolix.ccadfa.oz.au (Andrew Clayton) (01/29/91)


I have Version 207.20 of Kickstart, and the Zkick program, and
Workbench 2.0x. I've got the ECS Agnus,and the ECS Denise, and a
GVP 68030 board, and a Multisync monitor.

I can run 2.0x and in productivity mode it's _very_ nice indeed.

However, it is also as slow as a wet week. :-(

The reason being that the ROM image that Zkick puts in, is placed
at 200000H, which is (on my system) smack at the start of my 4Mb
of 8-Up! 16bit memory expansion. 

If I could get Zkick to load the kickstart 2.0 image up in
FASTmemory (like WAY up there at 97FFFFH-9FFFFFH) I would be much
happier, and would have a machine that would go lots faster in

I tried patching a copy of Zkick in block 13, where it has
"200000H" and "27FFFFH" next to each other, to be "600000H" and
"67FFFFH" but no dice. The Zkick program dutifully loads the rom
image, but [I assume] doesn't jump to the right place.

When 2.0x eventually gets released commercially, it would be keen
to be able to specify a memory address offset for Zkick to load
it's image into.

Any solutions to my problem can be emailed to 


Thanks in advance.

 _l _  _   // Andrew Clayton. Canberra, Australia.         I Post  .
(_](_l(_ \X/  ccadfa.cc.adfa.oz.au!prolix!dac@munnari.OZ.AU       . .  I am.                   
-------- I cannot send email. Not to anyone at all. Not even you.