[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Recent checkgroups message in error for 2 new amiga groups

fac2@dayton.saic.com (Earle Ake) (01/29/91)

	The recent checkgroups message from Gene Spafford has an error in two
of the new amiga groups.  Gene dropped the final letter on newsgroups
comp.sys.amiga.datacomm and comp.sys.amiga.emulations in his checkgroups
message. The message listed the groups as comp.sys.amiga.datacom and

             ____ ____    ___
Earle Ake   /___ /___/ / /     Science Applications International Corporation
           ____//   / / /__                 Dayton, Ohio
Internet: fac2@dayton.saic.com             uucp: dayvb!fac2