[comp.sys.amiga.misc] PD Hardware for the A1000!

doctorj@en.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey W Davis) (01/29/91)

I posted an Article earlier describing the A1000 system that I am currently
using.  I have since received quite a large response for more information.
This Article will describe the PD hardware hacks that I am currently using
and one that I intend to use.  Locations of all the documentation will also
be given.

To start with, here is a quick synopsis of the system :

  A1000 w/1050 256K ram expansion  (Stock 512K A1000)
    68020 Motorola Microprocessor running @ 20 Megahertz
    68881 Motorola Floating Point Processor also @ 20 Meg.
  4 Megabytes of 32bit Memory
  512K of (pseudo) FAST RAM

  SupraDrive Harddrive controller w/ Seagate ST-296N
To summarize, I have a 5 Megabyte system running at 20 Megahertz that moves
right along at a cool 5.6 MIPS with a nominal cost.

Here are the PD hacks:

    This is the 68020/881 board designed by Brad Fowles.  This project is a
    build-it-yourself one.  Brad will supply you with a nicely done double
    sided, solder masked circuit board.  You will also probably want to
    purchase the programmed PAL chips from him also.

    The complete documentation disk that I received with the board can be
    found at the FTP site ab20.larc.nasa.gov under
    The documentation is complete down to the schematics, netlists, PAL
    programs, possible problems, pricing and Brad's address.

    This project was not impossible, and a friend was able to build it with
    no previous experience with electronics or a soldering iron.  Be sure
    and read the documentation to see what you are getting into though.  I
    don't want to be responsible for you jumping blindly into this.

    This is the 32 bit memory expansion.  It is the companion to the Lucas
    board, and also designed by Brad Fowles.  Here is where the real speed
    comes from.  Again you will receive a nicely done circuit board and
    will want to buy his programmed PAL's.

    The complete documentation disk can also be found at the FTP site
      ab20.larc.nasa.gov under /incoming/amiga/frances.lzh

    The cost of this project is slightly higher due to the RAM cost and the
    $40 DRAM controller.  I will not go into cost here since the
    documentation will allow you to figure the exact cost yourself.  I will
    tell you that the Lucas board w/PAL's is $75 and the Frances board
    w/PAL's is also $75.  The total costs involved with these projects are

512K (pseudo) FAST RAM:
    I have received a lot of response about this one!  This hack was
    published in the Amazing Computing issue Volume 2, Number 1.  This is a
    nice hack and the only cost involved is for the 16 64Kx4 DRAM chips
    required.  No traces are cut and it could be easily removed later (for
    those who are concerned).  This is the 512K hack that is supported by
    the Rejuvenator!
    For those who are unable to locate a copy of this article, I will send
    you a copy if you supply me with a self addressed stamped envelope
      OR $0.50 to cover my costs.  (Feel free to send hundreds $$$)

	MY address is:

	Jeff Davis
	5179 West  300 South
	Russiaville, IN  46979
A few interesting facts about my setup :

  The Frances board has address translation circuitry instead of an MMU
  to map kickstart into 32bit memory.  This will translate the 512K
  addressing range required by 2.0 with the addition of one jumper.

  The 32bit memory and Kickstart in 32bit can survive a reboot.  This lets
  you play those protected games running from 32bit memory.

  No card cage was required and it will work with your Spirit boards.

  And most importantly, the cost is LOW!
The hack that I intend to try (buy) is the 4 Serial/4 Parallel port
expansion available for the A1000,A500 and A2x00.  This one is fairly self
explanatory.  These ports are software compatible with the factory
installed ones.  The cost is about $70 and is made by :

Jeff Lavin

  USENET:            jlavin@cie.uoregon.edu
  BIX:               jblavin
  BBS :              (503) 935-7883, 24 hrs, F8N1
Hope this information is useful.
* Jeff Davis                * Relax! And get into    ///  *
* doctorj@en.ecn.purdue.edu * the STRESS!!!         ///   *
*                           *                   \\\///030 *
*                           * -Gigahertz!-  Amiga\XX/ 882 *
	    -=[ In Stereo Where Available ]=-