[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Looking for the Author of ForFacc

clemon@lemsys.UUCP (Craig Lemon) (01/29/91)

	Does anyone on the net know how (besides USMail) to get in touch
with Marc Jacobs (ie. CIS, UUCP) UUCP is preferred.  This program doesn't
seem to work correctly for me as it lowers the FaccII buffers to 15 and
never raises them again on disk insertion (according to Facction).  I have
KS 1.2 and I was wondering if that was the problem.  Might I even need
KS 2.02?  (He wrote it on a 3000 I believe).

 Craig Lemon - Kitchener, Ontario. Amiga B2000/10--2400 bps--AmigaUUCP 1.03D
 clemon@lemsys.UUCP or lemsys!clemon@xenitec.on.ca  |
 lsuc!xenitec!lemsys!clemon@cs.toronto.edu          | Choose your path.
 ....!{uunet}!watmath!xenitec!lemsys!clemon         |