[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Powerful Amigas

m937290@usna.navy.mil (Midn. Norman R. Solis (937290) <m937290@usna.navy.mil>) (01/30/91)

Does anyone make hardware accelerators for the Amiga line?  If so,
what is available?  From who?  How much does it cost?  I'm looking
at putting together a powerful system to do UN*X development on.  I 
want to know if I can get the same power out of an Amiga as I could
with some other machines on the market.

N. Richard Solis

| Richard Solis        m937290@n1.usna.navy.mil          Class of 1993       |
| USNA 33rd Company    m937290@csvax2.scs.usna.navy.mil                      |
| Annapolis, MD 21412                                                        |
| (301) 267-5001       GO NAVY, BEAT ARMY!!!     Standard disclaimers apply! |