[comp.sys.amiga.misc] New Amiga 3000 mouse

dewolfe@ug.cs.dal.ca (Colin DeWolfe) (01/30/91)

The subject line says it all.  Commodore is shipping a new mouse with the
A3000.  I was just down at Kobetek today and while playing with their Laser
Disk I noticed something funny about the mouse.  That's right, a totally new
design.  This thing is high quality folks.  It has nice micro-switch buttons
a'la Logitech and feels REAL good.  It keeps the bulge under the palm philospphy
of the older mice but rolls smoother and "clicks" much better.

The thing I'm curious about is that it only has 2 buttons.  How well will this
work under X-Windows, or is the 3000UX shipping with a 3 button version?

All around nice job you Commodore guys...  I'm impressed.  (too bad MY 3000 
didn't come with one... oh well, I bought a used BOING dirt cheap, so I'm happy 

Colin DeWolfe

P.S.  Anybody want to buy a used Golden Image Optical Mouse?