[comp.sys.amiga.misc] looking for a recursive move command

swarren@convex.com (Steve Warren) (01/29/91)

In article <jtb.3248@iotm.ttank.com> jtb@iotm.ttank.com (John P. Gibbons) writes:
>    About 3 or 4 months ago I came up the idea (after accidentally deleting
>a bunch of really important programs) of aliasing delete to move. Doing
>this would, instead of deleting files, it would MOVE them to the trashcan
>directory. ...

Alias delete to rename.  This will accomplish what you are desiring.

Of course rename will not cross a volume boundary (from df1: to df0: for
example).  Which is the behavior you would want anyway (ie you want the
data on df1: to move into the trashcan on df1:).  This will mean a little
more complicated adaptation than a straight alias; possibly a short script
to extract the volume name out of the path to the file that is being

--Steve   ._||__      DISCLAIMER: All opinions are my own.
  Warren   v\ *|     ----------------------------------------------
             V       {uunet,sun}!convex!swarren; swarren@convex.com

estdwha@warwick.ac.uk (CrisP) (01/30/91)

In article <jtb.3248@iotm.ttank.com> jtb@iotm.ttank.com (John P. Gibbons) writes:
>    About 3 or 4 months ago I came up the idea (after accidentally deleting
>a bunch of really important programs) of aliasing delete to move. Doing
>this would, instead of deleting files, it would MOVE them to the trashcan
>directory. Then later I could delete the contents of the trashcan, or
>I could recover any files I wanted from there as well. This would avoid any   
>accidental deletions of important files.. Well this worked fine, except for
>the fact that I can't MOVE recursively with the ARP 1.3 move command. Almost
>ALL of the arp commands have an OPT ALL ability, with the exception of move.
>	A good example of this follows;
>Let's say for example I wanted to delete the fonts directory (entirely),
>well with delete, I would type "delete fonts: ALL". With move that doesn't
>work, it will only move files in the current directory. This was not
[ Other stuff deleted ]

"OPT ALL" is a bit dogy with ARP 1.3.
I have a promlem with APR 1.3 "COPY" and "OPT ALL".
When I try "COPY dir1 dir2 ALL" it doesn't work.
It complains that dir1 if a directory not a file.
There seem to be a lot of things that have been overlooked with ARP.
Anotherone being the way the ARP commands refuse to work using CON: and RAW:

crisp@uk.ac.warwick.cs | estdwha@uk.ac.warwick.cu