[comp.sys.amiga.misc] COMMODORE A3000UX & AMIGA UNIX

kmccook@wrdis01.af.mil (GS-09 Ken McCook) (01/31/91)

A friend I work with told me about a preview of the A3000UX and
AMIGA UNIX he thinks he saw in BYTE magazine.

Has anyone else seen it? Does anyone have a copy of this or any 
advance info on this machine and O/S? If so I'd appreciate a copy
of what you've got! My friend is not easily impressed and he is
anxiously awaiting the release.


|      |                          Ken McCook, Computer Programmer
|      |                          Warner Robins Air Logistics Center
| (o)(o)     _________________    1926th Communications-Computer Systems Group
@      _) _ /                 |   Software Development Branch
 | ,___| /__ I do Ada, Dude!! |   Robins AFB, GA  31098-5990
 |   /      \_________________| 
 /___\                           Commercial (912) 926-3224  (DSN) 468-3224 
/     \                             Email kmccook@logdis1.wr.aflc.af.mil