[comp.sys.amiga.misc] KeyBdFix didn't fix it!!

jwhitman@stl-06sima.army.mil (Jerry Whitman) (01/30/91)

I tried to put Norman Iscoves KeyBdFix to work this week-end, but it did
not seem to want to function for me.  Perhaps someone can tell me what I
have done wrong, or not done that I need to do.  I would presume the problem
lies in my end since I have seen no mail indicating any problem with the two
procedures Norman provided.

System:  A2000HD / 2090A Controller / Rodime 40MB HD - a pure vanilla system.

What I have done:
1.  UUDECODE the two little programs Clear and Reset.
2.  Copied them into sys:c.
3.  Edited Startup-Sequence (not Startup-SequenceHD) to add two lines just
prior to LoadWB that read C:Clear and C:Reset
4.  Power boot-up, start shell from WorkBench Shell icon.
5.  Keyboard sucked up the first character I typed.

Where have I gone wrong???

I would appreciate it if anyone who has done this successfully on a 2000HD
would steer me straight.

Regards, Jerry Whitman - keeper of the FishXref and FishCon

jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu (John 'Vlad' Adams) (01/31/91)

I know how you feel.  I'm on my second 2000 and I have the same problem
The first keystroke on cold boot and usually on warm boot is lost.
And this is one of the new 2000HD packages, not the old cherry keyboard.
I've tried varoius programs to "fix" it, but I shouldn't have this
problem since none of the other many Amigas in the area have
the problem.  I'd hate to put my machine in the shop or trade it
for a third new one, since last time it took five weeks...  Can
anyone at COmmodore help me?
John  M.  Adams   --***--   Professional Student      ///
Internet: jma@beach.cis.ufl.edu     Genie:  vlad     ///  Only the Amiga
Sysop of The Beachside, Amiga BBS, Paragon 2.085  \\V//  Makes it Possible
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