[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Internal Drive Button

tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) (01/31/91)

pondscum@zooid (Lima Bone) writes:

> I am sorry, Fred is actually spawning right now, so we wont be seeing any 
> more Fish Sticks..I mean disks until he is done with his business. You 
> should see the trout he landed too, it looks like he might be gone a while.
>                    The Slimey One

Dear PondScum (or Slimey One if you prefer),

Thanks for the feedback on Fred. I hope he is prolific in his struggles. 
Say, you wouldn't happen to know the technical psychological term that 
describes an unnatural fear of Bandersnatchi? For some reason I thought you 
might be familiar with that phobia . . . <insert laugh track here>. OK, is 
the collection REALLY up to 430 or is that just a roomer (sic)? On the other 
hand, I suppose by the time I get the question resolved Fred'll have puched 
the frontier to 450 :-) That's fine by me.

++++++++++++++++++++++ Travis Bissett := Cult_Amigoid ++++++++++++++++

internet: tbissett@nstar.rn.com -or- tbissett%nstar@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
uucp:     ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!tbissett -or- ..!uunet!nstar!tbissett
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tbissett@nstar.rn.com (Travis Bissett) (01/31/91)

peter@sugar.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva) writes:

> Peter da Silva.   `-_-'
> <peter@sugar.hackercorp.com>.

OK, great . . . that's one name and address to add to my collect (still 
looking for Leo, and Allen, and Oran, and Joel, and (etc.)).

Thanks . . . 

Travis Bissett := Cult_Amigoid/4/GearHeads

internet: tbissett@nstar.rn.com -or- tbissett%nstar@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
uucp:     ..!uunet!nstar.rn.com!tbissett -or- ..!uunet!nstar!tbissett
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