[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amiga FTP site list

ianr@mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU (Ian ROWLANDS) (01/31/91)

	What has happened to the Amiga FTP site list that was going to be
posted regularly? I think the last time it was posted was back in October or
November. Since then, at least one major archive has gone and another major
one has started up.
	If the maintainers of the list (I currently don't know who they are -
hint hint!) are having trouble maintaining the list (i.e time) could they
let me know? Call me silly, stupid or whatever, but I'm willing to consider
helping to maintain it. I feel that such a list, if posted regularly, would
save quite a lot of bandwidth (requests for ftp sites etc). If anybody else
wishes to help with the list, also let me know.


Ian Rowlands                     | Uni : ianr@ee.mu.oz.au 
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, |   OR ..!uunet!mullian.ee.mu.oz.au!ianr
 (including Computer Science)    | Home : ianr@gpark.pub.uu.oz.au 
University of Melbourne          |   OR ..!uunet!gpark.pub.uu.oz.au!ianr