[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Info wanted on Cheapest NON Flicker/scanline combo...

jeremym@chopin.udel.edu (Jeremy A Moskowitz) (02/01/91)


I have a stock 4.3 A2000B and want to dump my 1084S and 
dump the scan lines and flicker that go with it.

Would someone please spell out my options? I mean,
from cheepest quick and dirty to the more elaborate?
I'm pretty curious, and in the dark, and I'm sure others
are too. Thanks, netters.
Monitor of comp.sys.amiga.emulations

E Pluribus //  Contacts: jeremym@brahms.udel.edu or jeremym@chopin.udel.edu or
  Unix    //		  jeremy@freezer.it.udel.edu (line 1 = jeremym)  
      \\ // 	          --->Monitor of comp.sys.amiga.emulations<---	        
       \X/                2001 Dalmations - My stars, its full of dogs...