[comp.sys.amiga.misc] Amigas on CNN

jerry@truevision.com (Jerry Thompson) (02/01/91)

In article <189b497a.ARN03842@jsmami.UUCP> cbmvax!cbmehq!cbmdeo!jsmami!jsmoller writes:
>By the way, does anybody know anything about CNN using Amigas for their
>video effects. I've heard a rumour that they use ProVideo Post, but I'd be
>grateful if anybody could actually verify this.

I was watching CNN one day and saw some title effects.  I thought "Man, that 
looks just like some of the fonts and effects I've used with PV Gold."  If
they aren't using ProVideo and Amigas, they probably paid $5,000 too much.
Jerry Thompson                 |     // checks  ___________   | "I'm into S&M,
I loved the peace and solitude | \\ //   and    |    |    |   |  Sarcasm and
so much, I invited my friends. |  \X/ balances /_\   |   /_\  |  Mass Sarcasm."