[comp.sys.amiga.misc] How compatible is 2.0?

bjoerns@stud.cs.uit.no (Bjoern Stabell) (02/02/91)

I presently own an 1.3 A2000HD, but I'm thinking of upgrading to 2.0.
What I would like to know is: HOW compatible is ECS with software
written for 1.2/1.3?

Are there major differences in the architectual structure of the
machines? Will 'dirty' programs (that access hardware-registers etc.)
crash the machine with ECS installed? (Please give examples of
programs that are known NOT to work in 2.0 environments...)

And also... Is it possible to use 2.0 without ECS? (I have Fatter
Agnus, but lack (of course) the new Denise.)

Please answer, I know there are many 3000'ers out there... :-)

----/    Bjoern  Stabell    \--Email: bjoerns@stud.cs.uit.no--
---|    Tunvegen 29 / B22    |--------------------------------
---|     N-9000  Tromsoe     |---------//---------------------