[comp.sys.amiga.misc] v.32, v.32bis, v.42, v.42 bis

wfaust@venus.UUCP (Wolf Faust) (01/30/91)

In article <sJkiw2w162w@zooid>, Lima Bone writes:
> ghost@bucsf.bu.edu (Jay Adelson) writes:

> > Can someone please tell me what the difference between the standards
> > v.32, v.32bis, v.42, v.42bis is? And which modems have which? (Between
> > the Telebit and the USRobotics?)

> Wayll, I think any modem with v.42bis has also v.32bis..I have a USRobotics 
> HST with v.42bis and it also has the capability of v.42bis...which I think 
> is merely the name of the data-compression that it uses. I could be wrong, 
> but that's what it looks like.

V.32      9600BPS fullduplex
V.32bis  14400BPS fullduplex
HST      14400BPS halfduplex (well not really: 14400/450BPS)
V.42      error correction protocoll
V.42bis   data compression protocoll

Somebody wrote that there is no HST with V.32, but that's not
true! As before, you still can buy a HST, V.32 and DualStandard.
All modems now have V.32bis...
Wolf Faust    UUCP:cbmvax.commodore.com!cbmehq!cbmger!venus!wfaust
Tel: (+49)69 5486556         FIDO: 2:243/43.5

lron@uunet.uu.net (Dwight Hubbard) (01/30/91)

In article <sJkiw2w162w@zooid>, Lima Bone writes:

> ghost@bucsf.bu.edu (Jay Adelson) writes:
> > Can someone please tell me what the difference between the standards
> > v.32, v.32bis, v.42, v.42bis is? And which modems have which? (Between
> > the Telebit and the USRobotics?)

> Wayll, I think any modem with v.42bis has also v.32bis..I have a USRobotics
                    No, they are two different types of standards
> HST with v.42bis and it also has the capability of v.42bis...which I think
> is merely the name of the data-compression that it uses. I could be wrong,
> but that's what it looks like.

V.32    is a modulation standard to get 9600 full duplex, it is supported by
        the Telebit T2500 and the USR Dual Standard.  Both companies make V.32
        only modems as well.  V.32 modems from Intel and PP&S tend to be
        cheaper than either the Telebit or the USR V.32 modems.

V.32bis is a modulation standard to get 14.4K full duplex, it is supported
        by the newer USR Dual standard modems as well as modems made by
        DigiComm.  Final approval of V.32bis is not until next month, however
        it is not likely to change.

V.42    is a standard for error detection/correction MNP levels 1-4 are a
        subset of V.42, allowing V.42 modems to use MNP error detection/
        correction.  This mode is supported by the Telebit T2500, the USR
        Dual Standard and the USR HST 14.4.  It is supported by most newer
        V.32 modems by other companies as well.

V.42bis is a standard for on the fly compression.  It normally comes with
        V.42 error correction/detection.  V.42bis allows a maximum compresion
        of 4:1 however like any other compression system it will not cause
        a very large increase in speed on compressed files, unlike MNP-5 it
        will not however increase the amount of data (slowing things down).
        This is supported by the Telebit T2500 and the USR Dual Standard and
        HST 14.4 modems.  It is supported by most of the newer V.32 modems as

-Dwight Hubbard                     USENET  : uunet!easy!lron
-Kaneohe, Hawaii                    CFR     : 31:910/101 (Dwight Hubbard)

dave@unislc.uucp (Dave Martin) (02/02/91)

From article <1899b1ec.ARN13a0@venus.UUCP>, by wfaust@venus.UUCP (Wolf Faust):
> In article <sJkiw2w162w@zooid>, Lima Bone writes:
>> ghost@bucsf.bu.edu (Jay Adelson) writes:
>> Wayll, I think any modem with v.42bis has also v.32bis..I have a USRobotics 
>> HST with v.42bis and it also has the capability of v.42bis...which I think 
>> is merely the name of the data-compression that it uses. I could be wrong, 
>> but that's what it looks like.
> V.32      9600BPS fullduplex
> V.32bis  14400BPS fullduplex
> HST      14400BPS halfduplex (well not really: 14400/450BPS)
> V.42      error correction protocoll
> V.42bis   data compression protocoll
> Somebody wrote that there is no HST with V.32, but that's not
> true! As before, you still can buy a HST, V.32 and DualStandard.
> All modems now have V.32bis...
  ^^^ ^^^^^^

our CIS dept. supra 2400 doesn't have V32.bis... 8-)

Actually V32.bis is not a standard yet, the people I got my modem from
refuse to add V32.bis (they are going to provide an upgrade path) until
it is a finalized standard.  Note you CAN buy modems today that have
v32bis just like you could buy ansi-c compilers before ansi-c was a final
standard.  But in the event of some change, hardware is harder to upgrade
than software.  I agree with my modem vendor and am willing to wait until
V32 IS a standard.

Sorry to waver off of Amiga stuff here.

VAX Headroom	Speaking for myself only... blah blah blahblah blah...
Internet: DMARTIN@CC.WEBER.EDU                 dave@saltlcy-unisys.army.mil
uucp:     dave@unislc.uucp or use the Path: line.
Now was that civilized?  No, clearly not.  Fun, but in no sense civilized.